Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Graduates are expected to attain Program Educational Objectives within three to four years after the graduation. Following PEOs of Department of Civil Engineering have been laid down based on the needs of the programme constituencies.

PEO1: Students should be expertise in mathematical, computing and core engineering concepts related to Civil.

PEO2: Students should exhibit professional attitude, ethical behavior, ability to communicate effect and adapt to the latest developments and trends by sustainable life-long learning.

PEO3: Students should be able to tackle real life problems in civil engineering and have awareness of contemporary professional issues.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO 1: Ability to analyse, design and interpret by applying the concepts of mathematics and physical sciences in the core areas of Civil Engineering.

PSO 2: Propensity to excel in portfolio of various engineering tools and management principle of civil engineering.

PSO 3: The ability to acquire and update knowledge continuously and offer engineering solutions to meet the environmental and societal needs.