Dr. Neha (Faculty)


Dr. Neha

Assistant Professor,
Computer Science & Engineering

7903251656   |   [email protected]

Ph. D. Computer Science & Engineering from National Institute of Technology Patna
Subject Expertise
Programming in C, cryptography and information security, Object oriented system development
Area Of Research
network security, System security
List Of Publications
1. Neha and Kakali Chatterjee, “An Efficient Biometric Based Remote User Authentication Technique for Multi-server Environment", Wireless Personal Communications (2017), Volume 97, Issue 3, pp 4729-4745, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-017-4748-4, Springer US. SCI Expanded (Impact Factor 1.2).
2. Neha and Kakali Chatterjee, “Biometric re-authentication: an approach towards achieving transparency in user authentication ", Multimedia Tools Applications (2019), Volume 78, Issue 6, pp 6679, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11042-018- 6448-9, Springer US, SCI Expanded (Impact Factor 1.54).
3. Neha and Kakali Chatterjee, “Continuous User Authentication System: A Risk Analysis Based Approach", Wireless Personal Communications (2019), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-019-06403-0, Springer US, SCI Expanded (Impact Factor 1.2).
4. RK Chatterjee, Neha, A Sarkar “Behavioral modeling of multi agent system: high level petri net based approach” International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems (IJATS) 7 (1), 55-78
5. Kakali Chatterjee, Ashish Singh and Neha. "A blockchain-enabled security framework for smart agriculture." Computers and Electrical Engineering (2023) volume 106, page: 108594, Elsevier, SCIE (Impact Factor 4.152).
6. Kakali Chatterjee, Ashish Singh, Neha and Keping Yu. "A Multifactor Ring Signature based Authentication Scheme for Quality Assessment of IoMT Environment in COVID-19 Scenario." ACM Journal of Data and Information Quality (2023), Elsevier: SCOPUS.
Conference Attended (National/International)
1. Neha and Kakali Chatterjee. “Authentication techniques for e-commerce applications: A review." International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation (ICCCA) 2016 (p.693-698). IEEE. 29-30 April 2016
2. Neha and Kakali Chatterjee. “Efficient Remote User Authentication Technique for Internet Based Applications Using Keystroke Dynamics." International Conference on Smart Trends for Information Technology and Computer Communications. Springer Singapore, 2016. 881-888. August 6–7, 2016
3. Neha and Kakali Chatterjee. “A new multimodal behavioural biometric authentication framework for system security”. International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT). 2017.(p.1-6). IEEE. 20-21 April 2017
4. Neha Rajib, Kumar Chatterjee, Anirban Sarkar. “High Level Petri Net based Behavioral Model for Multi Agent System.” 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications(ACC–2013). ISBN: 978–1–880843–91–8.(p.25-30). Aug. 29 -31 2013
5. Neha and Anubha Maurya. “Cyber Attack Modeling Recent Approaches: A review”. 3rd International Conference on Computing, Communications, and Cyber-Security: IC4S 2021. Springer. 30-31 October, 2021.
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