Labs & Infrastructure
BE lab
A. List of Experiments
1. Measurement of DC, Peak, RMS Voltage, Period, and frequency of Periodic signals.
2. Verification of Forward and Reverse Bias Characteristics of PN Junction Diode.
3. Verification of forward and reverse bias characteristics of the Zener diode.
4. Measure the ripple factor with and without a filter for the Half Wave Rectifier and Full Wave Rectifier.
5. Observation of output waveforms for clipper and clamper circuits.
6. Observation of frequency response of the CE Amplifier and Measurement of its Bandwidth.
7. Measurement of h-parameters of CE Amplifier.
8. Verification of transfer characteristics of JFET.
9. Measurement of gain, the bandwidth of inverting and non-inverting OPAMP(IC 741).
10. Designing Differential Amplifier using IC 741 and calculation of CMRR.
11. Measurement of unknown frequency using LISSAJOUS Patterns.
B. List of Equipment
1. Function Generator
2. Power supplies
3. DSO
4. Multi-meters
5. OPAMP(IC 741), Zener diode, Resistors, Capacitors, Breadboards, connecting wires, etc.
Robotics Lab